Legal information

In accordance with the French law on confidence in the digital economy, no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004, we inform you of the following:

The Site “” is the property of VINCI Construction France, a French public limited company (société anonyme) with share capital of €127,510,500. The company is registered at the Nanterre Trade and Companies Registry (RCS) under the number 380 448 944, with registered office at:
61 avenue Jules Quentin
92730 Nanterre
Tel : 01 46 95 70 00

Director of Communications: Xavier Defaux

Publication Manager: Nicolas Bergeal

This Site has been registered with the French data protection authority, CNIL, in accordance with the country’s data processing, files and individual liberties Law no. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, amending Act no. 78-17 on information technology, data and civil liberties, as amended, and is hosted by VINCI Construction SI, 5 cours Ferdinand de Lesseps, 92851 Rueil‑Malmaison. The CNIL registration number is 833209.

The Site ““ is governed by French law; visitors accessing the Site from other countries must ensure that they comply with locally applicable laws.

Since the legal notices may be changed at any time and without notice, we recommend that you read them regularly.

Last update: 23/09/2019


Personal data

We collect information exclusively for the VINCI Communications Department. None of your personal data is transferred to third parties.

Visitors to this site are informed and agree that information (in the form of cookies) may be temporarily installed on their computer, tablet or mobile phone, in order to facilitate browsing on the site, send them services suitable for their device (computer, mobile phone or tablet) and produce visitor statistics. Users may refuse these cookies by changing their browser settings, according to the terms available at

Any personal information that you may send to VINCI is subject to the provisions of the French data protection Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended.

This gives you the right to access, rectify and delete your personal information and, subject to the legal conditions, the right to object to or restrict its processing, which you can exercise at any time by writing to the following address: VINCI, Data Protection Officer, 1 cours Ferdinand de Lesseps, F‑92851 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France.


Intellectual property

VINCI owns, reserves and retains all property rights, and in particular intellectual property rights, to this Site and its content, including reproduction rights.

As a result, the partial or total reproduction of this Site or its content is strictly forbidden without VINCI’s written authorisation.

Brands, patents, logos and other distinctive signs appearing on this Site are the property of VINCI or are subject to an end‑user licence agreement. No rights or licences may be granted in respect thereof without the written authorisation of VINCI or of the third party owning those rights.



Users of this Site “” must read and agree to follow the terms and conditions of use.

VINCI shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from accessing or using this Site and/or its content, including inaccessibility, loss of data, damage, destruction and viruses that could affect the user’s computer equipment and/or the presence of viruses on the Site.

VINCI uses all reasonable care and skill to publish reliable content on this Site but does not make any promises that this content is free from inaccuracies or omissions.

Accordingly, VINCI cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions or for the unavailability of information or services.

VINCI reserves the right to improve and/or change the content of its Site at any time and without notice.

Accordingly, users acknowledge that they use such information at their own risk.

Financial information appearing on the Site “” should not be interpreted as an encouragement to invest, and under no circumstances shall it be considered as a solicitation.

VINCI has assigned responsibility for displaying stock market data on its Site to Interactive Data.

VINCI and Interactive Data shall not be liable for any errors, delays or interruptions in the updating of the share price information provided on the Site.

The user is solely responsible for any use of this information and data. VINCI shall therefore not be held responsible for the content or accuracy of all or part of the information displayed on the Site, or for any investment order or decision based on such information.


Links to other websites
This Site may include links to other websites or Internet sources. Insofar as VINCI cannot control these external sites and sources, it is not responsible for enabling users to access these external sites and sources. Accordingly, VINCI may not be held liable for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources. These links are offered as a service to VINCI Site users. The decision to follow the links is exclusively that of Site users.

We remind you that non-affiliated websites are subject to their own terms and conditions of use.


Design and production: Mazarine Digital

Photos: VINCI Construction France photo library